The Benefits of Duct Sealing: What You Need to Know

Duct sealing is the practice of properly insulating and sealing the metal units that carry air conditioning throughout the house. These duct units are usually placed in walls, small spaces, the basement or the attic of a house, and are greatly affected by the drastic variation in temperature from the outside. The duct sealant consists of a special compound that fills the cracks and voids in the ducts. Often, the average homeowner will try to seal the ducts with duct tape, but this does not provide an efficient job.

You can apply high-quality adhesive tape (the old-fashioned way), putty, or Aeroseal sealant for better results. Each method has its pros and cons, so let's take an in-depth look at what technique you can use and why. There is also an air duct sealant that can be sprayed into the duct to seal it from the inside, which will be discussed in more detail below. Doing a proper duct sealing job is essential for maintaining a healthy home environment.

It helps to keep out pollutants from outside, as well as reducing energy costs. But what exactly are the benefits of duct sealing? Let's take a closer look at what you need to know about this important home maintenance task. Duct leaks allow contaminated air to enter the system, increasing pollutants inside the house, including dust, dirt, and other particles that decrease air quality. So does sealing the air ducts help? Yes, if you want to keep your energy bills low and your home as safe as possible.

If you notice any signs that your air ducts are not working perfectly, a Filterbuy LOCAL professional will be happy to analyze your situation and give you professional and honest advice. If you've never had an air duct seal or it's been several years, it's important to test for air duct leaks. There are several different techniques and materials for sealing air ducts, depending on the location and severity of the leak. However, in most buildings, damaged ducts cause 20 to 30 percent air loss throughout the duct system.

It won't be long before the adhesive tape falls off or, even worse, reaches the air ducts, and condensation caused by temperature fluctuations will weaken the tape and cause it to break. If someone in your family has allergies or asthma, sealing the duct system can help reduce their symptoms and improve their health. The air duct sealant is used to fill the holes for costly leaks that can occur throughout the duct system. However, in a typical home, about 20 to 30 percent of the air that passes through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected ducts.

If outdoor air filters through poorly sealed ducts, you may be living with pollution outside your home. Each part of the duct to be sealed must be sealed from the outside and pressurized to ensure that the aerosol does not escape. Sealing air ducts is often an afterthought in many home improvement projects, but it can increase or decrease the efficiency of HVAC systems. This sealant was created because of the difficulty of sealing ducts from the outside, especially in hard-to-reach ducts.

The benefits of sealing your air ducts are numerous: improved energy efficiency; improved indoor air quality; reduced allergens; improved comfort; reduced noise; improved safety; and increased lifespan of HVAC systems. Sealing your air ducts can also help reduce your energy bills by up to 30 percent!If you're looking for a way to improve your home's energy efficiency while also improving indoor air quality and reducing allergens, then consider having your air ducts sealed by a professional. A Filterbuy LOCAL professional can inspect your home's HVAC system and determine if sealing is necessary. They will also provide you with an estimate for any necessary repairs or replacements.

Joel Reid
Joel Reid

Extreme zombie advocate. Lifelong tv junkie. Wannabe web aficionado. Lifelong twitter enthusiast. Hipster-friendly bacon junkie. Travelaholic.