Maximizing Efficiency with Sealing and Insulating Air Ducts

The ducts in your home are typically made of metal, fiberglass, or other materials and are responsible for filtering hot air into unheated spaces. This can add hundreds of dollars to your heating and cooling bills, but you can reduce this loss by sealing and insulating the ducts. Insulating ducts in unconditioned spaces is often very cost-effective. Before you can begin isolating the ducts, they must be inspected for leaks and sealed. The home energy rating guidelines used by Portland testers require duct sealing to reduce duct air loss to 3% of total flow.

While the average homeowner may not be able to measure the volume of air flowing through their ducts and compare it to what they lose, the idea is to seal those ducts as tightly as possible so that it is factored into your home's energy rating. Once the ducts are completely sealed, you can apply the insulation material of your choice. It is always better to turn to professionals for this task. An HVAC professional with experience sealing and insulating ducts can provide you with expert advice and help you resolve a duct leak problem. A well-designed and properly sealed duct system can make your home more comfortable, energy efficient, and safe. Sealing and insulating ducts can reduce air losses significantly, especially if you have ducts installed in unconditioned areas such as a mezzanine or attic.

This makes sense as one of the best ways (and an affordable way) to increase the energy rating of your Portland home. Start by sealing air leaks with putty or metal tape and insulate any ducts you can access (such as those in attics, tight spaces, unfinished basements, and garages). In homes with forced air heating and cooling systems, ducts are used to distribute air conditioning throughout the house. Portland homes with exposed, unsealed, and uninsulated ducts will have an impact on their energy rating in Portland compared to homes with fully sealed and insulated ducts. If you want to install insulation in the ducts, the correct procedure is to first seal the ducts by identifying leaks (usually around the seams) and then applying adhesive tape or duct putty, as needed. In a typical home, about 20 to 30 percent of the air that passes through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected ducts.

Keep in mind that sealing the ducts of an unfinished basement will make the basement colder during the winter. Sealing and insulating air ducts is an effective way to reduce energy costs while increasing comfort levels in your home. It is important to hire a professional HVAC technician who has experience sealing and insulating air ducts for maximum efficiency. With their help, you can ensure that your home's energy rating is improved while also saving money on your heating and cooling bills.

Joel Reid
Joel Reid

Extreme zombie advocate. Lifelong tv junkie. Wannabe web aficionado. Lifelong twitter enthusiast. Hipster-friendly bacon junkie. Travelaholic.